NYC | Big Lights Will Inspire You

Tonight I decided I needed to go to Madison Square Park (23rd and Madison). Normally, when I go to this cutesy wootsie park in Gramercy, it is so that I can stand in line for an hour and a half (because, as I mentioned Wednesday, New Yorkers LOVE to stand in line) and spend $20 at a hamburger stand. But, for the record, it is the best burger joint in the whole entire world and is totally worth it and I’m sure I’ll dedicate an entry (or an entire website) to SHAKE SHACK soon.

But tonight, since I love to pretend that I’m artsy – hence my pottery classes, this blog, the French beret I wore all through fourth grade, and the sketchbook I just bought – I went to the park to check out artist Jim Campbell’s “Scattered Lights” – on display until February 28th, 2011. I realized, as I was sitting on the subway looking at my pictures and listening to The Lion King’s “I Just Can’t Wait to be King” on my iPod, that these need to be seen in person since my photos are sub-par, but alas, behold.

The largest of the three installations, “Scattered Lights”, is 2,000 light bulbs hanging over the Oval Lawn of the park. The lights turn on and off and look as if they are forming shadows of people walking by.

The second piece, “Broken Window”, shows blurred images of a street corner, of people walking by and cars passing.


The third piece of work, “Voices in the Subway Station”, has light squares planted in the ground which light up with the intent to show them “speaking to each other” in different pulses of light as if they are people’s voices in the subway station. I know that sounds weird, but that’s me pretending to be artsy trying to explain it. If I were wearing my French beret right now, you would totally get it.


Check it for yo’selves and make sure to order a burger from the Shack while you’re at it!


2 Responses

  1. […] No, I probably won’t get ever sick of what I think are incredibly amusing MoMA/Mama related jokes (please see my last post about the MoMA, here: “Yo’ MoMA is so fat”), and I probably won’t ever get sick of the MoMA itself.  I lurveeee the MoMa and have already been there three times this year.  What I really like is that each time I go there, I have been able to see something different as the special exhibits are always changing.  Maybe I also like that it is walking distance to my apartment and that I can skip all the lines and get in for free with my corporate discount.  Or maybe I just like pretending I’m artsy, as discussed in this post. […]


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